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Have you ever had someone take a photo or video of you riding and you have recoiled in horror at your duck
bum, rounded shoulders or slouched posture?

Do you wish you could work on these issues in-between your riding lessons?

Well look no further as EquiCanine has come up with the solution - the CoreX Equine Level Belt system! Simply download the application and install it on your Apple device for use in your lessons or out riding by yourself. Using the special CoreX Equine Level Belt, your device is clipped in and ready to go - just ride as normal and the application provides real-time feedback on the position of your pelvis.

Alexandria Bailey, founder of EquiCanineTm explains how it works.

"A rider's perception of the position of their pelvis and torso can often be incorrect so it is valuable to receive timely and accurate feedback," Alexandria said.

"The CoreX Equine Level Belt and application bring science to the saddle through assessing the position of the rider's pelvis during riding.

"Alerts and vibrational cues make the rider aware of postural errors as soon as they occur, so the position can be quickly fixed.

"Over time, riders learn to avoid poor postural habits which promote muscular correction and coordination."

With the non-invasive belt and easy to use application, the CoreX Equine Level Belt system is a great way to improve your position and balance while working on core strength. You can also review your ride to see how many postural errors occurred as well as monitoring and measuring your progress.

"Basically we are empowering riders to effectively take control of their postural strength and alignment," Alexandria said.

"We have found that once riders improve their balance and core strength, their hors can work effectively without having to compensate for rider error.

"We often find that some rid ers maintain balance by liftir a leg, gripping one rein tight er than the other or they sit i an unusual position to try an stay centred and balanced.

"This puts physical stress or the horse which may result i movement issues or pain for them.

"Once the rider is balanced and can maintain the ideal position, the horse is free to maintain their own balance and move more freely which reduces the risk of soreness and injury."

When you invest in the CoreX Equine Level Belt system you're not only helping yourself - you're helping your horse.
