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Note for Android and iPhone 6 PLUS Users

While there is an CoreX Android app currently in development (further details currently not available), the current app is  only suitable for iOS, and only for these specific IOS devices:

  • iPhone 6/6S (does NOT fit iPhone 6 PLUS models)
  • iPhone 5/5S/SE
  • iPod 5/6

We have anecdotal advice that iPhone 7 does fit in the clip. No news yet on iPhone 8 as dimensions have not yet been made public.

However, for Android users and iPhone users who are using iPhone 6 PLUS, there is a cheap solution. Simply purchase a second hand iPhone or purchase an iPod and use these for your CoreX app. Alexandria Bailey, owner of EquiCanine™, says:

My personal situation is that I am an Android user so l went to JB HiFi and purchased a cheap iPod 5 for $160 which works brilliantly for my purposes. The iPod 5 stays on my CoreX Equine level belt all the time as l use it constantly for riding and teaching students. This means that my Android phone is free for me to run my business and answer calls etc. without interfering with my riding or students - plus, if there was an accidental fall, my valuable phone won’t be damaged or broken (it's far more valuable than a cheap iPod).
