The importance of posture and understanding the position of your pelvis and trunk and how to move and control the lumbo-pelvic spine when horse riding is critical so as to maintain a stable base for the riders trunk and head to balance upon and for the limbs to swing and move freely from and so that the riders seat remains connected to the dynamic movements of the horse beneath them.
The CoreX Equine Level Belt and purpose designed CoreX Equine App are essential tools for the equestrian rider as they will assist riders and coaches to create and maintain an effective riding posture when siting on the horse.
The unique features of the CoreX Equine Level Belt and the CoreX Equine App will increase the riders’ awareness of their body through immediate audible feedback when the riders’ posture has deteriorated, thereby assisting riders to learn to avoid poor habits that affect postural tone and neuromuscular coordination which detrimentally affect the riders’ position.
Once riders and coaches understand the encompassing role of the lumbo-pelvic spine, they can appreciate the need for maintaining and developing the ability to position and stabilize movement around it and through it.
The CoreX Equine Level Belt technology has been developed to provide users with real time biofeedback that will guide users to reengage the neuromotor control needed to move the lumbo-pelvic complex through its full range of motion. The first step to training pelvic stabilization and trunk control during dynamic skills is to be successful in performing controlled postures and drills then advancing into more functional postures of riding whilst using the correct muscles to stabilize and control the trunk.
By increasing muscular core strength, muscular endurance, rider poise and balance whilst riding the horse and when practicing correctly aligned posture away from the horse, CoreX Equine will support and reinforce the equestrian riders neuromuscular learning as they strive to overcome the challenges to stabilizing the core trunk and pelvic muscles.